Administration, Accounting, And Compliance
“To invest successfully one does not require a stratospheric IQ, unusual business insights, or insider information. What’s needed is a sound framework for making investment decisions, and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework.” – Warren Buffett
ABC Super look after all of the administration, accounting, and audit requirements (external) to ensure you are compliant with the financial obligations of managing your own SMSF. By providing you with accurate and timely financial information and ongoing education, you as the trustee of your SMSF can make informed investment decisions.

Online Reporting
ABC online reporting platform is an automated solution designed to manage the ongoing administration, bookkeeping, accounting and reporting needs for your SMSF. We provide you with complete visibility of your entire SMSF investment portfolio in one spot, which allows you to make timely investment decisions to enable you to better manage your SMSF investment portfolio. You can view your SMSF bank account, share portfolio, managed funds, SMSF properties and associated loans, and most other investments held within your SMSF on one screen. Details of your superannuation contributions, insurance policies and estate planning nominations are also recorded for you.
With the assistance of the online portal, ABC Super reconciles your SMSF on a daily basis. As we manage the accounting and administration needs of your SMSF including preparing your financials, you can concentrate on the exciting side of having a SMSF, investing.
Financial Preparation
At the end of each financial year your SMSF is required to complete, audit, and lodge financials with the ATO. ABC Super prepares and facilitates this for you. All you need to do is review the financials, sign the documents, and return them directly to us. We will take care of the rest.
Auditing Service
We will arrange the audit of your SMSF from a panel of auditors who are all external and unrelated parties of ABC Financial.
As all of the financial compliance and accounting obligations are reduced by being a client of ABC the usual stress associated with managing your SMSF have been significantly reduced which frees up your time so you can concentrate on the reason why you established an SMSF in the first place – investing and focusing on your family in retirement.
Contact us and speak to one of the team today – they would be delighted to answer any questions you may have.